Assassin's Creed III is a video game produced by Ubisoft. It is the fifth chapter of the original Assassin's Creed series. The title has sold 10 million copies. Use the AnvilNext graphics engine. In Europe it is available from October 31, 2012 on the platforms PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and from November 22, 2012 for Microsoft Windows. The Wii U version was released together with the console on November 18, 2013 in the United States and on November 30 in Europe. The game was awarded around 60 E3 awards, including: best action game, best in show, 5 best cinematic trailer.
The same day of the launch on console, comes out Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, exclusively on the console PlayStation Vita, spin-off chapter of the main game, but with both historical and spiritual links between the two.
The game picks up exactly where Revelations ended: Desmond wakes up from the coma in the Animus after receiving from Jupiter in person instructions on how to prevent the solar cataclysm scheduled for December 21, 2012 using an old Temple of the Precursors located in Turin, in the modern State from New York. In the group there is also William Miles, father of the protagonist with whom he has a conflictual relationship and Mentor of modern Assassins. Opened the door with the Apple of Eden and switched on the internal machinery, Desmond faints due to the Osmosis effect and is reinstated in the Animus, where he relives the memories of two of his English ancestors, Haytham Kenway, who lived between England and the North America in the 18th century and Connor Kenway, son of Haytham. In 1754 Haytham kills an elderly nobleman during an exhibition at the London Opera: an Assassin named Miko who steals a medallion that turns out to be an artifact of the Precursors that serves as a key to the American temple in which the protagonists are present in the present . Therefore he receives orders from superiors to go to the colonies in the New World to open the Temple and to take away its secrets. After months of traveling and mishaps, Haytham arrives in the colonies where he finds and reorganizes his local confreres: Charles Lee, William Johnson, Thomas Hickey, Benjamin Church and John Pitcairn. To reach the Temple, Haytham tries to make friends with the Mohawk tribe that has always lived in the area where they suspect the temple is located and therefore kills in battle the cruel and fanatical General Edward Braddock, guilty of wanting to exterminate and enslave the natives in the name of progress and civilization. Meanwhile, he knows the native Mohawk Kaniehti: I (pronounces: Kanien-uncle) and falls in love with him: he will carry his son on his lap, unbeknownst to him.
Having obtained the native friendship, Haytham discovers with amazement that the medallion does not open the temple, therefore the mission proves to be a failure. Haytham decides to reinforce the Order in the colonies, but it will be discovered with a great twist that Kenway is not an Assassin, but a Templar, much to the surprise of Desmond and his companions. Out of the Animus, Desmond has a furious quarrel with his father William, accused by his son to act with the same inhumanity of the Templars and in response receives a punch from the parent. Damping the family tensions you can choose whether to return to the Animus or explore the temple interacting with the hologram of Juno.
The plot then focuses on the half-blood son of Haytham, whose idyllic childhood in the valley inhabited by his mother's tribe is terribly interrupted by the seven-year war, during which the village is destroyed by British troops on the orders of George Washington in order to avoid alliances between natives and French. The little protagonist assists powerlessly with the death of his mother, an event that Connor will attribute to Charles Lee. Shortly before the fire, the little Ratonhnhaké: ton gets to know Lee and the others, who verbally and physically attack him near the village.
About ten years later, Ratonhnhaké: ton, who repeatedly expresses his impatience with the isolationist politics of the tribe, comes in contact with an artifact of the Precursors guarded by the Great Mother. The artifact unleashes in him a vision in which Juno orders him to join the Assassins to fight the Templars in order to protect the Temple and to recover the medallion and hide it until the predestined (Desmond) will not have to use it to access the inside of the hypogeum and save the world. Ratonhnhaké: ton abandons the Clan and crosses the wilds to reach the last American Assassin who survived the Templar massacre a few years earlier: Achille Davenport. The old and dull mentor had taken refuge in his estate for a long time, feeling now alone and abandoned after losing his son and wife in a serious epidemic of brucellosis and after the ruinous destruction of the colonial branch of the Brotherhood of the Assassins.
After giving back hope to the elderly disenchanted mentor, Ratonhnhaké: ton is accepted as a follower by the old man, who gives him the name of his dead son, Connor, better to merge better in the racist society of Europeans. At this point the conflict of independence (roughly from 1775 to 1783) between the future of refounding the confraternity, the recruitment of new adepts to free the thirteen colonies from the Templars, support for American patriots with the aim of founding a new nation on equality and freedom and the protection of his tribe of origin. L'Aquila owned by the confraternity to free the trade routes and the Atlantic colonial tract by pirates and Englishmen, both maneuvered in the shade by the Templars commanded by Grand Master Haytham and his pupil Charles Lee, who became for Enemy an oath as Rodrigo was Borgia for Ezio Auditore.
My revenge: he is forced to kill his father, despite his conflicting tests and finally manages to escape even the cruel Lee, but nevertheless understands that there is still much to do. The newborn nation has not lost the old English racist and imperialist mentality against the native and African-American minorities. Although for years among the rebel settlers the words of freedom and equality have become popular, slavery remains a sad social reality.
In the end, joke is added when Connor discovers that his tribe had to abandon the territory near the temple a cause of the American genus, which bought the land of the natives. At the end Desmond receives the desired memory, that is the location of the medallion: Ratonhnhaké: ton hid him in the tomb of Connor Davenport, buried near his father Achille, who died of old age a few years earlier.
Outside the Animus, Desmond moves to places like Manhattan and Brazil using the skills learned with the osmosis from Connor, Ezio and Altair with the aim of recovering the energy devices of the ancients to reactivate the machines that seek to save the world . During these missions, Demsond Miles will collide with Daniel Cross, the Templar spy who in 2000 had killed the old Mentor and brought the Assassins to the brink of total destruction. The final of these missions takes place in the same structure of Abstergo south of Rome where the protagonist was considered a prisoner in the first Assassin's Creed. Desmond is forced to return to save his father William captured by the Templars during the recovery of an artifact in Egypt. Once inside, Desmond kills Cross and uses the powers of the mind to free his father and kill Warren Vidic, responsible for the Animus project and the boy's antagonist from the first chapter of the saga.
Now that the father and son are reconciled and again in possession of the medallion and after opening the tomb of Achille Davenport, the group opens the blocked part of the temple. Love is a way of thinking and having the words of Juno (which has always been present in the game in the form of a sentient hologram) humanity. Minerva, surprisingly, warns the Assassins not to do it: Juno is actually evil and just wants to conquer the world and enslave the humans she hates as I consider the cause of her people and all the others she loved. Minerva and Jupiter attempted to kill her and trapped her body in the inaccessible part of the temple to keep her crazy plan. Juno survived and used transcendental technology to travel his consciousness in the great temple, guiding events through the centuries waiting to be liberated. Minerva explains to Desmond and his companions that things are coming and they are going to the solar storm to wipe out most of humanity. Desmond will guide the survivors by becoming a new spiritual guide for the reborn humanity and his words Come always in the millennial cycles of human civilization however, his words and religion derived from them are distorted over the centuries and to enslave the masses have already happened in the ages previous. Otherwise, only Desmond can interpret the machine as only he has the DNA of the Precursors, the necessary source to turn it on. The activation of the machine, however, would kill him.
Desmond is therefore faced with the prospect of letting current mankind die only to take prisoner and most likely will perpetuate itself in a continuous cycle in the future. 
Si rifiuta sostenendo che c'è sempre una speranza e non è detto che la confraternita non possa trovare in futuro un modo per combattere Giunone. Decide perciò di sacrificarsi dicendo addio al padre con cui si era da poco ritrovato e agli altri due confratelli ordinando loro di lasciare il tempio. I tre obbediscono riluttanti e Desmond attiva il macchinario, che genera una sorta di campo difensivo attorno al globo simile a un'aurora boreale che tutela la vita e la civiltà dalle radiazioni solari, e spezzando così un ciclo di distruzione e creazione del pianeta perpetuato per troppo tempo. Ma l'energia è tale da condurre Desmond alla morte. Circa quindici ore dopo la sua morte, due agenti Abstergo prelevano il cadavere di Desmond.
Durante i titoli di coda Giunone, ormai libera, torreggia sul cadavere di Desmond dicendogli che ha interpretato bene la sua parte, ma ormai è tempo che lei interpreti la sua e se ne va.
Dopo i titoli di coda assistiamo all'epilogo delle vicende di Connor, che dopo aver ereditato la villa e la proprietà di Achille si reca nel sotterraneo dove sono conservate le armi e gli abiti dell'Ordine, staccando i quadri di tutti i Templari per poi bruciarli. Quindi si reca all'aperto e stacca dall'entrata il Tomahawk che aveva piantato lì quando dichiarò guerra aperta ai Templari, a simboleggiare la fine della sua missione. Dopo aver saputo la sopracitata partenza del proprio popolo, Connor si reca a New York, dove è testimone della cacciata degli inglesi dal suolo americano: sta avvenendo l'effettiva nascita degli Stati Uniti d'America, nonostante sia chiaro il senso di tristezza e malinconia che percuote il nativo,resosi conto ormai di aver non aver portato a termine la sua promessa nei confronti del suo popolo, scacciato dagli stessi alleati di Connor.
  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8.1/10 - 32/64-Bit 
  • CPU: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 or 2.66 GHz AMD Athlon II X4 620
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Hard Drive Space Required: 17.0 GB 
  • Minimum Supported Video Cards: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c-compliant with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD 4850)
  • DirectX: 9.0

  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8.1/10 - 32/64-Bit 
  • CPU:  2.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 or 3.0 GHz AMD Phenom II X4 940
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Hard Drive Space Required: 17.0 GB 
  • Minimum Supported Video Cards: 1024 MB DirectX 10 compliant with Shader Model 5.0 or higher (GeForce GTX 460 or Radeon HD 6850)
  • DirectX: 10.0